Code of conduct

We want your Button experience to be amazing. To keep things safe, inclusive, and fun, here are our expectations for all attendees, speakers, sponsors, and staff. 

Button is governed by a code of conduct.

We take this policy seriously, and we want you to know that if anything ever happens, we’ve got your back.

Who does this policy cover?

Everyone: All conference staff, volunteers, speakers, attendees, sponsors, and vendors are protected by and expected to follow this policy.

What is harassment?

We consider harassment to be unacceptable behavior toward others, including:

  • Offensive verbal, written, or other comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion

  • Sexual images shared in any manner

  • Deliberate intimidation

  • Sustained disruption of talks or other events

  • Inappropriate or unwelcome sexual attention

  • Sexualized clothing/uniforms/costumes, or anything else that creates a sexualized environment

We will not tolerate harassment of or by Button participants in any conference virtual platforms and Button-related online social events. People asked to stop any of these or other harassing behaviors are expected to stop immediately. No excuses.

What should I do if I’m being harassed?

You can email us at

How will Button respond to harassment?

We’ll work with both parties in good faith to ensure that harassment stops immediately, and we’ll do whatever we can to be sure you feel safe for the duration of the conference.

Here are some of the actions the Button staff may deem appropriate:

  • A warning to the offender not to repeat the harassing behavior

  • Expulsion from the virtual conference without a refund

  • Blocking individuals from online platforms
  • Reporting the incident to law enforcement

  • Banning participation at future Button and Brain Traffic Events

If the situation isn’t resolved at the time, or if you need to follow up about anything at all, please call the Brain Traffic office at 612-331-6600. (Please note that this number is only staffed during regular business hours and is not ideal for emergencies.)

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