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In the past few years, as social injustice after social injustice have flooded the media, there has been a lot of focus on putting out and designing content that is “welcoming to all” and creates “safe spaces.” What exactly does it mean to do this when safety cannot be guaranteed? How do you intentionally build this into your content design strategy for it to have an actual impact?

In this presentation, we will explore what is needed to shift your perspective from playing it safe to disrupting the status quo and centering equity and inclusion in your content design.

After this presentation, attendees will be able to:

  • Align their intention of prioritizing equity and inclusion with their actions while vocalizing the doubts and struggles that arise as they start creating and implementing equitable and inclusive practices into their content design strategy.
  • Discern which equity and inclusion practices work and which don’t work within their work.
  • Audit their current content design strategies through an intersectional, equity, and inclusion focused lens.

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