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When we integrate content into design systems, we also boost the practice and progress of content design. We align content standards and frameworks more closely with design and development principles and operations. And we work better together and build more successful experiences.

In this workshop, we’ll explore this work—the ways content improves design, development, and delivery from the vantage point of the design system. Your organization already gets advantages from the design system; content design can amplify those advantages.

In this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Develop your style guide and use it as a touchstone for content in the design system.
  • Use voice and tone guidelines throughout a design system.
  • Publish documentation for the system’s varying audiences—designers, developers, product managers, and others.
  • Write documentation for key parts of a design system: foundations, components, patterns, and more.
  • Stay in touch with your users, internal and external.
  • Collaborate with everyone (yes, everyone), especially designers and developers.
  • Make sure your content and designs are useful, accessible, and inclusive.
  • Plan and scope the work to keep it manageable.
  • Track the work, celebrate successes, and keep going.

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